I'll come clean. I spent most of my money on booze, drugs, loose women and general debauchery. The rest, I'm ashamed to admit, I wasted.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Pornstar tweet of the day #4

You know the feeling. In fulfillment of a long held ambition, you have finally landed your first booking as male pornstar. To add a liberal coat of icing to the cake, your partner in your small screen hide the cannoli debut is the toothsome and generally chubby-inducing Tori Black.

What can possibly go wrong? Well, if you're a certain James Franko (not to be confused, we hope, with James Franco), quite a lot, apparently....

Ouch! Not a good start. I wonder would she have slapped the offending appendage itself or merely its owner?

But I digress....

Ah, that James Franko....


Well quite....

Undoubtedly. Dedication above and beyond. So it was bad, then?

What about the little blue pill? Was that considered?

Quite right. Keep the juicers out of porn, I say....

Yep. We've all been there, love....

Go on....

Rest assured, Tori, fucking you good is definitely something I'll be bearing in mind. However, were such an opportunity ever to come to pass, I suspect the memory of the vituperation above might put me off my stroke a tad.

I spent literaly minutes scouring the internet for information on the unfortunate Mr Franko, but nothing was, as it were, forthcoming.

Probably best for all concerned if it stays that way.


  1. James Franko for you, so you can put a name to the face. And quite a pretty one at that, I hope he tackles that problem and gets into some good hard fucking soon:


  2. Wahey!

    So do I, old sock, so do I.

  3. I think that should be "a face to the name", but I'll let it go this time.

    That is all.
